1. A helping hand can open the door of a person's heart to the gospel.
2. Nothing makes us love a person so much as praying for him.
為人祈禱, 是愛人的好表現.
3. A good traffic rule on the road of life; when you meet temptation , keep to the right!
人生路上一個好的交通規則就是: 當你遇見試探,便要向右(正確方向) 走.
4. God gives freely to us so that we may give liberally to others.
神白白賜恩給我們, 好叫我們慷慨施與.
5. Our words have the power to build up or to tear down.
6. Although God heals the wounds of sin, scars may remain.
神雖治癒罪的傷處, 但罪的疤痕仍然存留.
7. When we put our problems in God's hands, He puts his peace in our hearts.
當我們把難題放在神手裡 , 祂就把祂的平安放在我們心中.
8. What they cannot do by themselves, they can accomplish together.
9. The first step to receiving God's forgiveness is to admit that we need it.
10. Don't let the magnetic attraction of worldly pleasures draw you away from God.
11. That's how we should view our work - was service for our Master. It's the Master's approval that really counts!
12. Completing the task is often the best way to silence the critics.
God judges us by what we do, Not by what others say.
神審判我們是憑我們所做的, 而不是憑別人所說的.
13.A spirit of disconyeny shows a lack of faith in Christ and a streak of selfish egoism. Remember,if you murmur you'll reap an "overwhelmed " spirit.
14.Trust God to move your mountain,but keep on digging.
15.Unrestrained fire can destroy,but controlled,it blessed with its warmth and light.
不 加控制的火焰能產生毀滅作用,但一經控制便發出溫暖和亮光.
16.Holiness is not a virus to be caught,it's a way of life to be sought.
17.We fail to recognize that He is to be respected and feared,and that involves trust ,love,and above all,obedience.
18.If you don't count your blessings,you'll just add to your problems.
19.Jesus was not afraid to dirty His hands(or His reputation,in the eyes of some) in order to call despised tax collectors and sinners to repentance and faith in Himself.
耶穌不怕 弄污祂的手(在一些人眼中是祂的聲譽) ,為要使稅吏和罪人悔改相信祂.
20.Mark Twain took delight in exposing the follies of human behavior. He once said " Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
They who do not live to their ideals soon find that have lost them.
馬克吐溫喜歡揭露人類的愚行.他說 " 總要做得對;有人會因此感激你,其他人則會驚異莫名."
21.If we let prayer unlock the gates of day, the ensuing hours are more likely to be filled with spiritual usefulness and blessing.
22.Man is weighed down with the debt of sin; But God,through the sacrifice of His Son,has paid that debt. When by faith we trust the Savior,He forgives all our sins,cancels the debt,and freely gives us life in Christ. Although I have received this free gift,I am a debtor to God and to mankind to proclaim the gospel to others.
23.In God's sight,one is never so empty as when he is filled with thoughts of self.
24.Anything that one imagines of God apart from Christ is idolatry.
任何有關神的想像, 離開了基督, 便是拜偶像.